Prior to installing Sonarworks software this was never an issue so I know its got to do with Sonarworks software. Sonar works Systemwide must be closed=shutdown completely (using Task Manager) in order for me to go back into my DAW without sound output driver issues. Hi, I purchased the Ref4 Systemwide bundle with Microphone.
The jpg I attached to Sonarworks was high detail but I had to squash it for this forum but you should get the idea. I want to continue to use dedicated ASIO drivers so this is not a big issue for me. Some of you who use full release drivers may not have this issue however I tried ‘Drivers4all’ and still got the same problem.
I’ll attach the email I sent them and then put in there response.
Reference 4 is a brilliant plugin on the master BUS in Cubase and using Systemwide out of Cubase is also excellent brilliant so if you have issues, this post will also help you understand and fix the problem. Any owners of Reference 4 Systemwide may be interested in the response I got from Sonarworks after I alerted them to the process in order to make Cubase and Reference 4 run without driver interference.